KNRD is punkrock, woods, beer, nature, bittersweet, the greenest grass, a little high-spirited, sometimes highly high-spirited, dreamy, open-minded, brute – and a little bit dumbly.
KNRD is semi-professional, but full-hearted!
The question of all questions. The answer is a bit tricky, but KNRD gave it a try…

KNRD Fest is a two day meeting of the PunkRock scene in the middle of nowhere in Franconia at the height of summer.
KNRD puts together an international first class line up every year featuring Punkrock, Ska-Punk, Melodic Hardcore, Acoustic Punk & more.

KNRD Fest aims to be the place to get to know your new favourite band in a laid back party atmosphere.
KNRD Fest is run by a group of more than 80 friends and volunteers who take care of anything from booking and setting up the stage to pouring drinks and producing handmade KNRD Merch.
KNRDs little helpers are organized in a club that works on a non-profit base.

KNRD Fest wants to be accessible to everyone.
the capacity of visitors is limited to keep it small and cozy.

KNRD Fest is run by a crowd of music aficionados that united in the non-profit organization that is KNRD Fest e.V.!
The charitable club aims at stimulating the punk rock scene and supporting regional as well as international talents of the underground scene.
You would like to support the scene and maybe even engage voluntarily? Join the KNRD Fest club!
HOW? – Just shoot KNRD a message and he will introduce you to German burocracy!

Become a
support member!
You would like to support the scene and maybe even engage voluntarily? Join the KNRD Fest club as a support member!
HOW? – Just shoot KNRD a message and he will introduce you to German burocracy!
support the DIY punk rock scene
no obligations
invitation to the general club meeting
have a say
(min.) annual fee: 30€
Become a
full member!
You would like to support the scene and maybe even engage voluntarily? Join the KNRD Fest club as a full member!
HOW? – Just shoot KNRD a message and he will introduce you to German burocracy!
support the DIY punk rock scene
active membership
invitation to the general club meeting
- have a say and a vote
(min.) annual fee: 30€